
While not building, we sometimes write our thoughts and share.

Reading time: 10 tickets

Advancing Player Support: A monthly look at our journey

Wonderful August

Reading time: Two emails

How to start customer support for my players

This article guides to player support by initiating effective customer support for their players, emphasizing the critical first step of actively listening to player feedback

Reading time: 1 Ticket

Theymes goes Gamescom

We are going to the Gamescom 2024

Reading time: 10 minutes

Tech Tales, Part 1: Our take on microservices

Our first entry in a series of blog posts discusses our take on micro-services architecture.

Reading time: Two tickets

Heading out to the GDC 2024

We're excited to go Game Developer Conference this year, a key event in the gaming world. With over 30,000 expected to attend, it's a huge opportunity for us to learn and connect. The size of the event makes our head spin.

Reading time: Pretty fast

Our new office

Take a look around our new office and a lonely printer.